- You should spend about 40 minutes on this
- There are A) 2 concept
/2 questions/ essay and 3 concept /3 questions/ essay.
argumentative essay / agree, disagree/
I. Two or Three concept essay asks about:
- Effects /results, outcomes,
- Causes / reasons,
factors, occasion/
- Advantages / pros,
benefits, reward, vantage/
- Disadvantages / cons,
drawbacks, handicap, detriment/
Topic. AIDS is a deadly
disease which has harmed many lives. What are the effects of AIDS. Provide some practical solutions to solve it.
нь энэ даалгаварт effects ба
solutions асуусан
байна. Тэгэхээр 2 concept /2 questions/
гэсэн үг.
маш хурдан бичих effects ба
solutions гэдгээ
тодорхойлоод бичдэг юм уу эсвэл толгойдоо төлөвлөнө. Жишээ нь:
Effects: 1. Death /slowly but surely die, can’t live no
longer/ 2. Isolation /nobody wants to talk to you, be alone, alienated, cause
depression, leads to suicidal/ 3. Financial crisis
Solution: 1. Sex education /introduce sex in school/ 2.
Religious background 3. Compulsory blood check-ups/
дараа бичиж эхэлнэ.
P1: Introduction- short
3-4 sentences / оршил
хэсэгт effects ба solutions -гаа оруулахгүй
өөр нэг юм, жишээ нь causes ч юм уу бичнэ./
It is undoubtedly true that…….
It is a well known fact
It goes without saying
It is undeniably true
/гэж байгаад бас даалгаврын
гарчгийг нь жаахан өөрчлөөд бичнэ. Тэгээд араас нь асуугаагүй нэг concept бичнэ./
It is undoubtedly true
that AIDS is a fatal illness which has killed millions of lives. Unfortunately,
there is no cure to this horrendous sickness. Unprotected sex and needle
sharing are the two obvious factors of AIDS. From my observation, there are
several effects and solutions to beat AIDS.
P2: Effects /2-3
одоо effect-ээ бичнэ. Харин ийм эссе-д
paragraph тус бүрийн төгсгөлд conclusion бичдэг.
To begin with……
To start off with …..
First and foremost…… there are 3 effects….
P3: Solutions /2-3
Besides that …….there are 3 feasible solutions…..
After each paragraph,
write conclusions:
In a nutshell, ……..
To cut it short, …….
All in all, ………
To make a long story short, …………
To summarize, ………..
………………..there are 3
effects of AIDS. Death is seen as the first outcome of AIDS. The second effect
is …………..
In a nutshell, these are
the effects of AIDS.
………………there are 3
solutions to get rid of AIDS. Sex education is considered as one of the most
powerful ways to curb AIDS.
All in all, these are
solutions of AIDS.
P4: Conclusion /3
sentences хэсэгт
дахиад introduction хэсгээ өөрчилж бичээд
өөрийн санаа бодол буюу believe, ирээдүйд юу хүсч байгаа
буюу wish-ээ бичнэ.
- Restate thesis
- give your opinion / I truly believe…./
- wish in the future / I sincerely wish that…./
To conclude, theses are
outcomes and methods to solve this disease. I truly believe that everyone
should live healthily to avoid this awful dilemma. I sincerely wish that
doctors and scientists would find cure for AIDS in the near future.
II. 2
дахь үндсэн эссены бас нэг төрөл нь “Argumentative” essay / agree,
Topic. In modern lifestyles
there are many working mothers. A lot of people say women must work and earn
money, it is not their work to nurture children at home.
Do you agree or
эхлээд маш хурдан юутай нь санал нийлж байна, харин санал нийлэхгүй шалтгаан юу
байна гэдгээ дотроо бодож төлөвлөнө. Жишээ нь:
Agree: 1. To gain
independence /reliable to husband, depended to husband/ financially free 2. To
help out with the finance, income will grow
Disagree: 1. To nurture
children /if you work who look after them/
- Usually have 5
paragraphs. It is debatable, controversial essay. /agree or disagree/
Agree гэж бичих гэж байгаа бол
эхний 2 paragraph дээр өөрийн бодлыг дэмжсэн
санаагаа бичнэ. Харин хамгийн сүүлийн paragraph-д эсрэг санаагаа дурьдаад гэхдээ би бол үүний эсрэг
байна гээд бичнэ. Жишээ дээр хараар бичсэн өгүүлбэрүүдийг цээжлээд дундуур нь
оруулаад бичиж болно.
- Introduction: 3-4
sentences /don’t give any of your answers in the introduction/
- P1: reason №1.
My main argument is …………..
- P2: reason №2.
My next argument is …………..
-P3: Why people
However, many
others would argue and disagree that women should help their spouses. They
believe that women should stay at home and nurture their children instead of
wasting time working. They also feel that if women work, their family might be
neglected. I understand their point of
view, but I can not agree with it. I still feel that women have the right
to work, to have a better family.
- Conclusion- open your
mind again. 2 sentences.
In a nutshell, I
understand that everything in this world has its own good or bad points.
Nonetheless, I would still make a stand and agree that women ought to work
and to help their spouses.
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