Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Ralph: Hello?
Paula: Ralph, it’s Paula.
You know I told you we could apply to the local council for money for our drama club…I’ve got the application form here but we need to get it back to them by the end of the week. I could send it on to you-you really ought to fill it in as president of the club-but I don’t know if it’ll get to you in time.
Well, you’re the secretary, so I expect it’s OK if you fill it in.
Yeah…but I’d really like to check it together.
Right. That’s fine.
Like the first part asks for the main contact person-can I put you there?
Right. So that’s Ralph Pearson..and then I need your contact address, so that’s 203 South Road, isn’t it?
No, 230…
Sorry, I always get that wrong…Then it’s Drayton…do you think they need a postcode?
Better put it-it’s DR6 8AB
Hmm mmm, OK…telephone number, that’s 01453586098 isn’t it?
Right. Now, in the part of the form I have to give information about our group… so, name of group, that’s easy, we’re the Community Youth Theatre Group, but then I have to describe it. So, what sort of information do you think they want?
Well, they need to know we’re amateurs, not professional actors… and how many members we’ve got
-what’s that at present – twenty?
Eighteen … and, should we put in the age range, that’s 13 to 22?
No, I don’t think we need to. But we’d better put a bit about what we actually do… something like ‘ members take part in drama activities’.
Activities and workshops?
Right. That’s all for that section I think.
Now, the next bit is about the project itself – what we’re applying for funding for. So first of all they need to know how much money we want. The maximum is £500.
I think we agreed we’d ask for £250, didn’t we?
OK. There is no point in asking for too much – we’ll have less chance of getting it. Then, we need to say what the project … erm, the activity is.
Right – so we could write something like ‘to produce a short play for young children’.
Should we say it’s interactive? 
Yes, good idea…
Right … I’ve got that. Then we have to say what we actually need the money for…
Isn’t that it?
No, we have to give a breakdown of details, I think.
Well, there’s the scenery.
But we’re making that.
We need to buy the materials, though.
OK. Then there’s the costumes.
Right. That’s going to be at least £50.
OK. And what else … oh, I just found out we have to have insurance … I don’t think it’ll cost mach, but we need to get it organized.
Yes … I’d forgotten about that , and we could be breaking the law if we don’t have it. Good think we have already got curtains in the hall, at least we don’t have to worry about that.
Mmm. We’ll need some money for publicity 
-otherwise no one will know what we’re doing.
And then a bit of money for unexpected things that come up – just put “sundries” at the end of the list.
OK, fine. Now the next thing they want to know is if they give us the grant, how they’ll be credited.
What do they mean, credited?
I think they mean how we’ll let the public know that they funded us…they want people to know they’ve supported us, it looks good for them.
Mmm., Well, we could say we’d announce it at the end of the play. We could make a speech or something.
Hmm, they might prefer to see something in writing…we’ll be giving the audience a programme, won’t we-so we could put an acknowledgement in that?
Yeah, that’s a better idea.
OK. And the last thing they want to know is if we’ve approached any other organizations for funding, and what the outcome was.
Well, only National Youth Services…and they said that at present funds were not available for arts projects.
Right, I’ll put that…and then I think that’s it. I’ll get that in the post straight away…I really hope we get the money.
I think we’ve got the pretty good chance…hope so anyway. Thanks for doing all this, Paula.
That’s OK…See you soon…Bye.

Monday, May 15, 2017

IoT Predictions, Trends, and Market
BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service, expects there will be more than 24 billion IoT devices on Earth by 2020. That's approximately four devices for every human being on the planet.
And as we approach that point, $6 billion will flow into IoT solutions, including application development, device hardware, system integration, data storage, security, and connectivity. But that will be money well spent, as those investments will generate $13 trillion by 2025.
Who will reap these benefits? There are three major entities that will use IoT ecosystems: consumers, governments, and businesses.

IoT Industries
Several environments within the three groups of consumers, governments, and ecosystems will benefit from the IoT. These include:
Oil, gas, and mining
Connected Home
Food Services
Smart Buildings

IoT Platforms
One IoT device connects to another to transmit information using Internet transfer protocols. IoT platforms serve as the bridge between the devices' sensors and the data networks.  The following are some of the top IoT platforms on the market today: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, ThingWorx IoT Platform, IBM's Watson, Cisco IoT Cloud Connect, Salesforce IoT Cloud, Oracle Integrated Cloud and GE Predix.

IoT Security & Privacy
As devices become more connected thanks to the IoT, security and privacy have become the primary concern among consumers and businesses. In fact, the protection of sensitive data ranked as the top concern (at 36% of those polled) among enterprises, according to the 2016 Vormetric Data Threat Report.

Cyber attacks are also a growing threat as more connected devices pop up around the globe. Hackers could penetrate connected cars, critical infrastructure, and even people's homes. As a result, several tech companies are focusing on cyber security in order to secure the privacy and safety of all this data.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Text to use: Top 10 Technology Trends.

Text to use:  Top 10 Technology Trends.  

Trend No. 1: The Device Mesh
The device mesh moves beyond the traditional desktop computer and mobile devices (tablets and smartphones) to encompass the full range of endpoints with which humans might interact. As the device mesh evolves, Gartner expects connection models to expand and greater cooperative interaction between devices to emerge. We will see significant development in wearables and augmented reality, especially in virtual reality.
Trend No. 2: Ambient User Experience
All of our digital interactions can become synchronized into a continuous and ambient digital experience that preserves our experience across traditional boundaries of devices, time and space. The experience blends physical, virtual and electronic environments, and uses real-time contextual information as the ambient environment changes or as the user moves from one place to another.
Organizations will need to consider their customers' behavior journeys to shift the focus on design from discrete apps to the entire mesh of products and services involved in the user experience.
Trend No. 3: 3D-Printing Materials
We'll see continued advances in 3D printing with a wide range of materials, including advanced nickel alloys, carbon fiber, glass, conductive ink, electronics, pharmaceuticals and biological materials for practical applications expanding into aerospace, medical, automotive, energy and the military.
Recent advances make it possible to mix multiple materials together with traditional 3D printing in one build. This could be useful for field operations or repairs when a specific tool is required and printed on demand. Biological 3D printing — such as the printing of skin and organs — is progressing from theory to reality; however, politicians and the public don't have a full understanding of the implications.

Trend No. 4: Information of Everything
Everything surrounding us in the digital mesh is producing, using and communicating with virtually unmeasurable amounts of information. Organizations must learn how to identify what information provides strategic value, how to access data from different sources, and explore how algorithms leverage Information of Everything to fuel new business designs.

Trend No. 5: Advanced Machine Learning
Advanced machine learning is what makes smart machines appear "intelligent" by enabling them to both understand concepts in the environment, and also to learn. Through machine learning a smart machine can change its future behavior. This area is evolving quickly, and organizations must assess how they can apply these technologies to gain competitive advantage.
Trend No. 6: Autonomous Agents and Things
Advanced machine learning gives rise to a spectrum of smart machine implementations — including robots, autonomous vehicles, virtual personal assistants (VPAs) and smart advisors — that act in an autonomous (or at least semiautonomous) manner. This feeds into the ambient user experience in which an autonomous agent becomes the main user interface. Instead of interacting with menus, forms and buttons on a smartphone, the user speaks to an app, which is really an intelligent agent.

Trend No. 7: Adaptive Security Architecture
The complexities of digital business and the algorithmic economy, combined with an emerging "hacker industry," significantly increase the threat surface for an organization. IT leaders must focus on detecting and responding to threats, as well as more traditional blocking and other measures to prevent attacks.

Trend No. 8: Advanced System Architecture
The digital mesh and smart machines require intense computing architecture demands to make them viable for organizations. They'll get this added boost from ultra-efficient-neuromorphic architectures. Systems built on graphics processing units (GPUs) and field-programmable gate-arrays (FPGAs) will function more like human brains that are particularly suited tos be applied to deep learning and other pattern-matching algorithms that smart machines use. FPGA-based architecture will allow distribution with less power into the tiniest Internet of Things (IoT) endpoints, such as homes, cars, wristwatches and even human beings.

Trend No. 9: Mesh App and Service Architecture
The mesh app and service architecture are what enable delivery of apps and services to the flexible and dynamic environment of the digital mesh. This architecture will serve users' requirements as they vary over time. It brings together the many information sources, devices, apps, services and microservices into a flexible architecture in which apps extend across multiple endpoint devices and can coordinate with one another to produce a continuous digital experience.

Trend No. 10: Internet of Things Architecture and Platforms
IoT platforms exist behind the mesh app and service architecture. The technologies and standards in the IoT platform form a base set of capabilities for communicating, controlling, managing and securing endpoints in the IoT. The platforms aggregate data from endpoints behind the scenes from an architectural and a technology standpoint to make the IoT a reality.

CV, Application

A curriculum vitae (CV or vita) is a written overview of a person's experience and other qualifications for a job opportunity. In some countries, a CV is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview.  CVs may also be requested for applicants to postsecondary programs, scholarships, grants and bursaries.

This is a printed (online) form requesting all sorts of information from you, ranging from straightforward biographical details,  work  experience, education, special awards and achievements to paragraphs describing your personal development, including such things as your career goals and aspirations, your successes and failures in life and what you have learned from them, and your personality. It is important to take time to prepare adequately for the task of filling in an application form. Let the application form be a convincing commercial for you. Remember that these forms are designed and used to screen you out rather than in, so you need to put much thought and research into answering each question.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

S.CE102 Oral Quiz

­­­­­­Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz-Task 1
 1. Answer the questions below. (10 points)
            1. What are people in your family like?
2. How is your English? Is it getting better?
3. What do you do in your free time? (Do you play football or any sports?)
4. Do you change wake up at the same time every day?
5.  How often do you usually see your friends? (What do you do together?) etc.

2. Think about the given situations and choose one of them. Give your opinions; continue the task as long as you can.  (More than 5 sentences) (10 points)

a.       Give a detailed physical description of a relative or close friend (use compound adjectives and synonyms e.g. selfish/self-centered)
For example: She’s very easygoing and I think she has a great sense of humor. She’s also very pretty she’s about medium height and slim, and she’s got long, straight, dark hair. She dresses fashionably, though usually in black.

b.      How would you describe yourself when you don´t get enough sleep?
3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
My favorite clothing.
My favorite clothing is _________________ I usually wear ___________________ to ________________ . At the weekends I like wearing __________________ and ___________, but at parties I usually wear something great: _____________________________________ . Now I am wearing __________________ .
4. Describe these pictures: WHAT DOES HE/SHE LOOK LIKE? (10 points)
Help note: Use the vocabularies that show behavior, personality and character. For example: patient, good, well, active, brave,
Image result for people appearanceImage result for people appearanceadriana lima boydan ile ilgili görsel sonucuaggressive ile ilgili görsel sonucueasygoing, outgoing, creative, cruel, ambitious, rude, etc.

Picture 1                                        Picture 2                                       Picture 3                                Picture 4

Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz-Task 2
 1. Answer the questions below. (10 points)
            1. What is the best vacation you have ever had?
2. Are you still friends with someone you grew up with?
3. Do you have any competitive friends?
4. When should you turn your cell phone off?
5. What are you doing tomorrow night? .etc.

2. Think about the given situations and choose one of them. Give your opinions; continue the task as long as you can.  (More than 5 sentences)(10 points)

a.       Your friend borrows things and keeps them a long time. Sometimes he or she doesn`t remember that he or she borrowed them. What would you do?

b.      You want to make some new friends but you don`t know how? …
For example: It is always hard to make a new friend. There are couples of things I can do. First off all volunteering is good way to meet others. By working together, I can build bond with people. And also …

3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
Healthy and unhealthy foods for me.
________________________ are healthy for me. _________________________ unhealthy for me.  I usually eat _______. Because __________________________.  ________________ _____________________ _________________. ____________ .
4. Think of some special experiences you hope to have in future. Tell your teacher…(10 points)

Help note: -A something you`d like to do,-a place you`d like to go someday, a person you`d like to meet, a something you`d like to see

Title: p - Description: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\download.jpg
                    Picture 1                                            Picture 2
                                    Picture 3                                           Picture 4
Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz-Task 3
 1. Answer the questions below. (10 points)
            1. Do you like movies with lots of special effects? Why?
2.  If you suddenly got a lot of money, what would you do?
3. Talk about your daily routine.
4.  Where do you live – in a house or an apartment? What’s it like?
5. Tell me about something you can do well. (Can you swim? Can you cook?), etc.
2. Think about the given situations and choose one of them. Give your opinions; continue the task as long as you can.  (More than 5 sentences)(10 points)
a.       What are the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen? First, second … etc
For example: first I would say the most beautiful place I've seen is Hawaii which is on the northern side of the island of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands, It is just beautiful, particularly in the sunshine, and then after a rain,  second…
b.      I want to travel. Should I get a job abroad? Where?
3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
My room/flat.
I (don’t) have ___________________________.
It is ________________________________
In my ___________________________ there is/are ___________________________.
Besides ____________________________________________. …

4.Please name the highest, longest, biggest, deepest and largest natural features in your country
(10 points)
Help note: Use the some vocabularies of natural features such as: forest, hill, river, sea, valley, waterfall, desert, woods, etc.
Picture 1                                               Picture 2
Picture 3                                               Picture 4

Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz-Task 4
 1. Answer the questions below. (10 points)
            1. How long have you been studying at MUST? What is your major?
2. Do you think families should spend more time together?
3. Is it good for families to eat meals together?
4. Who was your favorite relative when you were growing up? Why?
5. Tell me about the weather in your country. Which is your favorite season and why do you like it? etc.
2. Think about the given situations and choose one of them. Give your opinions; continue the task as long as you can.  (More than 5 sentences)(10 points)

a.       My child wakes up very often in the middle of the night. He sleeps usually during the day.     I haven't had any good sleep for weeks. What should I do?

  1. I have just lost my job. I haven't told my husband/wife yet. How should I tell him/her?
For example: Your wife is your partner that you need to share things with. 
Tell your wife that you lost the it honestly. After that I’m looking for other job.

3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
Things I help to do about the house.
1.      I (don’t) help a lot about the house.
2.      Usually I _________________________________
3.      Sometimes I ______________________________
4.      I like ____________________________________
5.      But I don’t like ____________________________

4.    Talk about your childhood memories   (10points)
Help note:
Use these time markers to show past: (When were kids, ../When I was., In those days, … /Back then,..)
Use these time markers to show the present: (today, now nowadays, these days)
Picture 1                       Picture 2                       Picture 3                       Picture 4

Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz-Task 5
1. Answer the questions below. (10 points)
1.      Do you think a long distance relationship can work out?
2.      When you were a kid, did your parents make you work around the house?
3.      What did your family use to do on weekends?
4.      Are you going to do anything this weekend?
5.      If you want to meet someone, should you use an online dating service? , etc.

2. Think about the given situations and choose one of them. Give your opinions; continue the task as long as you can.  (More than 5 sentences)(10 points)

a.       You lost your credit card. You’re worried that someone might be using it to charge things to your account. …
For example: That must be stressful. Losing my credit card can be frightening experience.  First of all I will call to the customer service and…
b.      You don’t like to exercise, but you know you need to improve your health…
3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
A person I would like to be
I wish I were ________________________ . I think it is __________________  to be a _______________ are _________ , and ______________ . ________. ___________.
4.    How many different snacks can you think of? Which ones are popular in your country?  What`s your favorite snack food? How often do you eat snack?  Do you think snack is healthy? Why? 

Help note:
Give your opinions with: It seems like… and if you ask me, I think... , I don`t think.., Some people may disagree with me but…,  What I think is…, I could say…
Introduce examples with: like..; for example..; for instance..,  such as..

Picture 1                                  Picture 2

Picture 3                                  Picture 4

Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz Task 6
1.    Answer the questions. (10 points)
1.    Have you ever taken a long trip on a boat?
2.    What would you do if you won the lottery?
3.    How long have you been learning English?
4.    Do you think people use their cell phones too much?
5.    Are you still friends with anyone you grew up with?, etc.

2. Look at the examples in bubbles, then continue these people’s thoughts as long as you can.
(More than 5 sentences)((10 points)
a.        If I don’t study, I won’t pass my exam. If I don’t pass my exams, I ………
For example: If I don’t study, I  won’t pass my exam.
If I don’t pass my exams, I won’t get my diploma.  
If I don’t get my diploma, I won’t take  a job.
If I don’t take a job, I won’t earn money. etc.
b. If I drive through the city, I will run into traffic, I’ll be late……………..
3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
Presents I like to buy
I like buying presents for ___________ . I buy _____________ for _________ and _______ for ________ . Best of all I like buying presents for ____________. I usually buy ________ , __________, or __________ . They are _____________ and ____________ .
4.    Choose three of these problem cards and give advice.
Help note:
Give your opinions with: (you’d better…. ; he/she should……’   ought to….;  you’d rather….)
Use the expressions:        (If I were you, I’d……    I wouldn’t……..;  you could )

Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz-Task 7
1. Answer the questions below. (10 points)
1. If you had more free time, what would you do?
2. Do you think it`s important to like the people you work with?
3. What is a good age to settle down?
4. Are you patient person? Is it important to be polite?
5. What is sport you have always wanted to try?, etc.

2.    Think about the given situations and choose one of them. Give your opinions; continue the task as long as you can.  (More than 5 sentences)(10 points)

a.       You want to go away for weekend but you don`t know where to go. …

b.      You got a scholarship to a collage far from home. You are excited but anxious because you don`t want to leave your family and friends. What would you do?
For example: It makes me kind of nervous. I`ve never lived away from my family and friends. But it`s exciting to explore new places…
3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
What we’ve got in our refrigerator.
It is ______________ and ____________________. There are _____________________ in it. There are a few _____________ and a lot of _______________ . We also have some _________ and ____________ .  We haven’t got _______________ . That’s too bad. But there are some foods I like a lot. Here they are ____________________ .
4. How many different relationships do you have with other people? Which relationship do you enjoy most? Do you have any friends who are you very different from you? How are you different? (10 points)
Help note:
Give your opinions with: I (really) think that…, I believe (that)..,  In my opinion/My opinion is… , I agree with.., I feel that…, To be honest, My personal opinion is that…
Use the expressions: The thing is.., The other thing is.., The only thing is…, The best thing is/was..
Picture 1                             Picture 2                    Picture 3                          Picture 4

Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz Task 8
1.    Answer the questions. (10 points)
1.      If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
2.      Have you ever met a famous person?
3.      What kind of games did you use to play?
4.      What foods are good for your health? Why?
5.      Are you a patient person?, etc.

2.    Think about the given situations and choose one of them. Give your advice; continue the task as long as you can. (More than 5 sentences)(10 points)

a.       Your girlfriend or boyfriend wants to break up with you, but you want to stay in the relationship. What would you do?

b.      You don’t like to exercise, but you know you need to improve your health.
                For example:  If I were you, I’d just try walking more. You can eat less fat and sugar
                                        and a lot of vegetables….
3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
Rules in my family
Every family should have its own family rules. My family rules are:
1.      Tell the truth.
2.      Treat each other with respect: no yelling, no screaming.
3.      _______. 4._______ 5._______ 6._____ 7._____ 8.______ 9. _____ 10._____
4.    Think about the given situations and tell your teacher. (10 points)
Help note:
 Give your opinions with: If I were…,   I wish..,   I could/I would … , 
Use adverbs of certainly:  I would definitely…; I would probably……;

Rounded Rectangular Callout: 4. If you could be another man or woman for a day, who would you choose?

Rounded Rectangular Callout: 3. If you could erase any moment in your life, which moment would it be and why?

Flowchart: Terminator:        Picture 2. 

Flowchart: Terminator:        Picture 1. http://asteroidapophis.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/asteroid-2011-MD.jpg

Flowchart: Terminator:        Picture 3. 

Flowchart: Terminator:        Picture 4. 


Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz Task 9
1.    Answer the questions below. (10 points)
1.      Are you an organized person?
2.      Do you try hard to be on time?
3.      Have you ever tried a food you didn’t like?
4.      Who was your favorite relative when you were growing up? Why?
5.      What foods are good for your health?, etc.

2.    Choose one of them and give an opinion about the topic below. Use the Conversation strategy: / SB Touchstone Unit 9/. When responding, give a different opinion. Continue the task as long as you can.  /More than 5 sentences/   (10 points)

a.       Shopping on the internet
For example:  A: I think chat rooms are a big waste of time.                                                                                                                  
        B: I know what you mean. They can be fun, though.    

b.      Chat rooms are a waste of time.                                                                
3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
What I am going to be.
I’m going to be a _____________________ . I think that this profession is _________________. I like _______________ . People of this profession _____________ . I want _____________ . I hope _______ .  My parents _______________________ .
4. Look at the picture and talk about pros and cons of technology.
Help note: 
Give your opinion with: In my opinion is…..;  I think/I don’t think that….; I would say…..;
Useful expressions:  I don’t know…; I wonder…; It seems to me …;  I’m not sure  ….; etc

               Picture 1                                     Picture 2                              Picture 3                            Picture 4

Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz-Task 10
1. Answer the questions below. (10 points)
1. What have you been doing for fun lately?
2. Have you gone any interesting place?
3. Last summer did you go to the countryside?
4. Are you reading any book now? What kind of book is it?
5.  Do you have any hobbies?, etc.

2.    Think about the given situations and choose one of them. Give your opinions; continue the task as long as you can.  (More than 5 sentences)(10 points)

a.       You want to take the day off tomorrow to visit a sick friend.
For example: Excuse me teacher Could I miss the next class?  My family is going to go to the countryside.
b.   You want to miss the next class to go on vacation with your family.
3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
A person I would like to be
I wish I were ________________________. I think it is __________________  to be a _______________ are _________ , and ______________ . ________. ___________.
4. What kinds of movies are there? What is your favorite film? How is your favorite actor? Why do you like this actor?   Have you seen these movies yet? Who plays in a main role?(10 points)
Help note: (animation, war movie, science fiction, comedy, cartoon, cartoon character,
..have you seen.., already.., if I…, I wanted to…, I was wondering., yet, still, etc.)

                                    Picture 1                                                                                Picture 2
                                    Picture 3                                                                                Picture 4

Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz-Task 11
1. Answer the questions below. (10 points)
1. Are you good at sports? Which one is your favorite?
2. Do you ever get annoyed? When?
3. Have you had any surprising news lately?
4. How did you spend your weekends?
5. How long have you been living in UB?, etc.

2.      Think about the given situations and choose one of them. Give your opinions; continue the task as long as you can.  (More than 5 sentences)(10 points)

a. an activity you have been enjoying a lot …
For exampleI prefer indoor activities like basketball, volleyball and table tennis. But this period of
 time I don’t have free time.

b. an activity you would like to do but don’t have time for…
3.        Fill in the blanket with your information and tell about it.3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
My house rules
Every family has their own set of house rules. 1st import rule is our room must be clean before I leave the house in the morning. Dishes are not to be left in the sink. ________ .__________. ____________. __________. _________.
4. How do you think the people in each picture are related to each other? What do you think is happening? How do you think each person feels? Talk about these situations using speculating modal verbs.
Help note: (it must be…, could be…, might be feeling…, may be…, exciting, worried, proud, annoyed, frustrated, happy, That must be…, fun, interesting, win, nervous., etc.)
Picture 1                                                                Picture 2
                           Picture 3                                                                Picture 4

Approved by ………………. Ch. Zolzaya /Head of English Language Department/
Oral Quiz-Task 12
1.    Answer the questions below. (10 points)
1. Do you watch the news every day?
2. What are you going to do this summer?
3. What is your favorite season? Why do you like it?
4. Have you ever seen a wolf? When?
5. What time did you go to bed yesterday?, etc.

2.    Think about the given situations and choose one of them. Give your opinions; continue the task as long as you can.  (More than 5 sentences)(10 points)

a.       What would you do if you saw someone stealing something from the store?

b.      What would you do if you found a bag of money in the street?
For example:  If I found a bag of money, I would definitely keep it and I would give some money to charities.

3. Complete and continue the sentences with your own information. Use appropriate words and correct verb tenses. (10 points)
Presents I like to buy
I like buying presents for ___________ . I buy _____________ for _________ and _______ for ________ . Best of all I like buying presents for ____________ . I usually buy ________ , __________, or __________ . They are _____________ and ____________ .
4.    What kinds of natural disasters shown on the picture? What happened? What must do people in this situations? (10 points)
Help note: (earthquake, wildfire, damage, flashflood, volcano erupt, seriously, strong wind, badly, damage, partially, move away, run, injure, firefighter, Did you hear…? Did I tell you? I heard that…, Have you ever seen ….?)
Picture 1                                                                                Picture 2

Picture 3                                                                                Picture 4