Sunday, December 11, 2016


I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2.In your lifetime, what was your greatest accomplishment?  What did you learn from it?
3. How often do you use a computer? What for do you use it?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 1.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Table 1
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. Likewise, the storage units are divided into main storage unit and auxiliary storage device, depending on their functions.
2. You can interface, synchronize and exchange information between various peripherals.
3. Бит нь компьютер доторх өгөгдлийг төлөөлөн үзүүлдэг хамгийн жижиг хэсэг юм.
I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Describe a typical day at school. How long have you had this routine?
3. What do you know about our company?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 2.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Graph 1
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. While the binary system represents information by means of the combination of "0" and "1," we ordinarily use the decimal system.
2. Since programs and data are stored in the ROM from the beginning, the stored information is not lost even if the computer is turned off.
3. Утасгүй холбоо нь бидний өдөр тутмын амьдралд нэвтэрсэн байдаг.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2.What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Do you think you get enough free time? Why/Why not?
3. What experience have you had in this type of work?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 3.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Picture 1
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. The internal structure of a computer is composed of an enormous number of electronic circuits.
2. The user programmable ROM is a type of ROM, but since at the time it is shipped by the manufacturer it has nothing stored in it, the user can write data into it once.
3. Компьютер унтрах үед, хадгалагдсан өгөгдөл устана.
I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2.Describe a part of the world you would lke to visit.What you would lke to do there?
3. Why did you leave your last job?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 4.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Table 2
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. A bit is the smallest unit that represents data inside the computer.
2. Once data has been written, it cannot be erased.
3.Үүнтэй адил, санах ойн хэсгийг түүний гүйцэтгэж байгаа үүргээс хамаарч үндсэн санах ой ба туслах санах ойн төхөөрөмж гэж хуваана.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2.How popular is sport in your country?.Do you play any sport now? Why/Why not?
3. What do you look for in a job?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 5.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Graph 2
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. 1 bit can represent only 2 values of data, "0" or "1," but 2 bits can represent 4 different values
2. Wireless Communication has been embedded into our daily routines.
3. ”Гадны төхөөрөмж” гэдэг нэр томьёо нь процессорын гадна байрлаж, төв санах ойн хэсэгтэй өгөгдөл солилцдог оролт, гаралтын хэсэг болон туслах санах ойн төхөөрөмжүүдэд хамаарна.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2.Describe a person that you met recently and liked.
3. Can you tell me about one of your weaknesses?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 6.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Picture 2
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. Compared to a bit, which is the smallest unit that represents data inside the computer, a byte is a unit that represents with 8 bits 1 character or number.
2.Telecommunication was taking place before electricity and magnetism was even acknowledged.
3. Хянах хэсэг болон арифметик хэсэг нь нэгэн хэсэг болж ажилладаг бөгөөд эдгээрийг процессор буюу төв боловсруулах хэсэг гэж нэрлэдэг.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2.How big is your family? How often do you spend time together?
3. Why should we hire you?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 1.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Table 3
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. The information represented by a string of "1's" and "0's" is called a bit pattern.
2.The telegraph, which was invented in 1837, played a major role in the advancement of telecommunications.
3. Оролтын хэсэг: Энэ хэсэг нь компьютераар боловсруулахын тулд өгөгдөл ба программыг оруулдаг. Энэ нь хүний нүд болон чихтэй төстэй.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2.What do you enjoy doing as a family?How do you keep in touch with members ofyour family?
3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 2.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Graph 3
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. However, if the computers' internal operations were performed on the bit basis, the operation speed would be too low.
2. Despite all the good and convenience that Wireless products and services offer, there is always some disadvantages.
3. Тэгэхээр, танихад хүндрэлтэй байх болон хэтэрхий олон тоотой байх асуудлыг шийдэхийн тулд 16-тын системийг ашигладаг.
I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. How didyou learn to use a computer? Do you think it is important to know how to use a computer?
3. Have you got any questions for me?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 3.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Picture 3
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of difficulty in identification and of a large number of digits hexadecimal system is used.
2. Wireless devices can provide us with the convenience of being easily reached.
3. Тоо хэмжээг аравтын тоог ашиглан дүрсэлж байгаа үед, 0-9 хүртэл 10 тоо хосолж хэрэглэгдэнэ.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Describe something you bought that you were not happy with.
3. What are your strengths?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 4.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Table 4
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. When quantities are represented using decimal numbers, 10 types of numerals from "0" to "9" are combined.
2. The need to keep in touch has fueled the drive for innovation in the Wireless Communication Industries.
3. Хэрвээ компьютерийн дотоод үйдлүүдийг бит дээр суурилан гүйцэтгэж байгаа бол үйлдлийн хурд хэтэрхий удаан болно.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2.What kind of clothes do you wear for work/college?
3. How do you respond to stress and pressure?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 5.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Graph 4
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. Input unit: This unit inputs the data and programs for computer processing. It is equivalent to the human eyes and ears.
2. Mobility, portability and instant access via the Internet to unlimited information have become the mantra of businesses and individuals alike.
3. 1 болон 0-ын цуваагаар дүрслэгдсэн мэдээллийг битийн бүтэц гэж нэрлэдэг

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2.Do you prefer wearing formal or casual clothes? Why?
3.Give me an example of any major problem you faced and how you solved it.
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 6.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Picture 4
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. Since the control unit and the arithmetic unit are handled as one unit, they are called the processor (processing unit) or central processing unit (CPU).
2.The evolution of wireless communications has been incredibly quick and future of this technology is unlimited.
3. Компьютер доторх хамгийн жижиг хэсэг болох биттэй харьцуулахад байт нь 8 битийн 1 утга болон тоог илэрхийлж чадах хэсэг юм.
I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Do you like to get clothes as gifts from friends or family? Why/Why not?
3.What was your greatest failure?  What did you learn from it?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 1.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Table 5
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. The general term "peripheral devices" is used to refer to the input unit, the output unit and the auxiliary storage devices that are outside the processor and exchange data with the main storage unit.
2. Another advantage is the ability to send voice and data over the cellular phone network.
3. Нэг бит нь өгөгдлийн 0 ба 1 гэсэн зөвхөн хоёр утгыг үзүүлдэг бол харин 2 бит нь 4 өөр утгыг төлөөлж чадна.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Describe a family event you are looking forward to.
3.In your lifetime, what was your greatest accomplishment?  What did you learn from it?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 2.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Graph 5
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. Likewise, the storage units are divided into main storage unit and auxiliary storage device, depending on their functions.
2. You can interface, synchronize and exchange information between various peripherals.
3. Бит нь компьютер доторх өгөгдлийг төлөөлөн үзүүлдэг хамгийн жижиг хэсэг юм.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2.What qualifications do you hope to get from your studies?
3.Give an example of when you've overcome a problem at work.
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 3.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Picture 5
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. When the computer is turned off, the stored data is lost.
2. For a computer to do processing it is first necessary to input into the memory the programs which are contents of a task or processing procedures.
3. Компьютерийн дотоод бүтэц нь маш олон тооны электрон хэлхээнээс бүтдэг.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Do you meet many people in your job/studies? Why/Why not?
3.Why have you applied for this job?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 4.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Table 6
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. For a computer to do processing it is first necessary to input into the memory the programs which are contents of a task or processing procedures.
2. For that reason, an external clock signal that indicates the processor operation timing is now set in the DRAM
3. Хоёртын систем нь мэдээллийг 0 болон 1-ийн хослолын утгаар илэрхийлдэг ч бид ихэвчлэн аравтын системийг ашигладаг.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Tell me about the town or city you live in now.
3.What do you know about our company?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 5.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Graph 6
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. While the binary system represents information by means of the combination of "0" and "1," we ordinarily use the decimal system.
2. Since programs and data are stored in the ROM from the beginning, the stored information is not lost even if the computer is turned off.
3. Утасгүй холбоо нь бидний өдөр тутмын амьдралд нэвтэрсэн байдаг.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Do tourists visit your city? Why/Why not?
3.What experience have you had in this type of work?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 6.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Picture 6
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. The internal structure of a computer is composed of an enormous number of electronic circuits.
2. The user programmable ROM is a type of ROM, but since at the time it is shipped by the manufacturer it has nothing stored in it, the user can write data into it once.
3. Компьютер унтрах үед, хадгалагдсан өгөгдөл устана.
I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. What places do you think tourists should see in your city?
3.Why did you leave your last job?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 1.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Table 7
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. A bit is the smallest unit that represents data inside the computer.
2. Once data has been written, it cannot be erased.
3.Үүнтэй адил, санах ойн хэсгийг түүний гүйцэтгэж байгаа үүргээс хамаарч үндсэн санах ой ба туслах санах ойн төхөөрөмж гэж хуваана.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. What kind of music doyou prefer? Why?
3.What do you look for in a job?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 2.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Graph 7
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. 1 bit can represent only 2 values of data, "0" or "1," but 2 bits can represent 4 different values
2. Wireless Communication has been embedded into our daily routines.
3. ”Гадны төхөөрөмж” гэдэг нэр томьёо нь процессорын гадна байрлаж, төв санах ойн хэсэгтэй өгөгдөл солилцдог оролт, гаралтын хэсэг болон туслах санах ойн төхөөрөмжүүдэд хамаарна.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Have you ever been to a music concert?Why/ Why not?
3.Can you tell me about one of your weaknesses?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 3.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Picture 7
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. Compared to a bit, which is the smallest unit that represents data inside the computer, a byte is a unit that represents with 8 bits 1 character or number.
2.Telecommunication was taking place before electricity and magnetism was even acknowledged.
3. Хянах хэсэг болон арифметик хэсэг нь нэгэн хэсэг болж ажилладаг бөгөөд эдгээрийг процессор буюу төв боловсруулах хэсэг гэж нэрлэдэг.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Do you think music is important to people?
3.Why should we hire you?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 4.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Table 8
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. The information represented by a string of "1's" and "0's" is called a bit pattern.
2.The telegraph, which was invented in 1837, played a major role in the advancement of telecommunications.
3. Оролтын хэсэг: Энэ хэсэг нь компьютераар боловсруулахын тулд өгөгдөл ба программыг оруулдаг. Энэ нь хүний нүд болон чихтэй төстэй.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Describe a TV or radio programme you enjoyed when you were a child.
3.Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 5.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Graph 8
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. However, if the computers' internal operations were performed on the bit basis, the operation speed would be too low.
2. Despite all the good and convenience that Wireless products and services offer, there is always some disadvantages.
3. Тэгэхээр, танихад хүндрэлтэй байх болон хэтэрхий олон тоотой байх асуудлыг шийдэхийн тулд 16-тын системийг ашигладаг.
I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Tell me about the town or city you live in now.
3. Have you got any questions for me?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 6.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Picture 8
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of difficulty in identification and of a large number of digits hexadecimal system is used.
2. Wireless devices can provide us with the convenience of being easily reached.
3. Тоо хэмжээг аравтын тоог ашиглан дүрсэлж байгаа үед, 0-9 хүртэл 10 тоо хосолж хэрэглэгдэнэ.
I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Do tourists visit your city? Why/Why not?
3. What are your strengths?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 1.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Table 9
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. When quantities are represented using decimal numbers, 10 types of numerals from "0" to "9" are combined.
2. The need to keep in touch has fueled the drive for innovation in the Wireless Communication Industries.
3. Хэрвээ компьютерийн дотоод үйдлүүдийг бит дээр суурилан гүйцэтгэж байгаа бол үйлдлийн хурд хэтэрхий удаан болно.
I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. What kind of music doyou prefer? Why?
3. How do you respond to stress and pressure?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 2.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Graph 9
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. Input unit: This unit inputs the data and programs for computer processing. It is equivalent to the human eyes and ears.
2. Mobility, portability and instant access via the Internet to unlimited information have become the mantra of businesses and individuals alike.
3. 1 болон 0-ын цуваагаар дүрслэгдсэн мэдээллийг битийн бүтэц гэж нэрлэдэг
I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2.What qualifications do you hope to get from your studies?
3.Give me an example of any major problem you faced and how you solved it.
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 3.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Picture 9
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. Since the control unit and the arithmetic unit are handled as one unit, they are called the processor (processing unit) or central processing unit (CPU).
2.The evolution of wireless communications has been incredibly quick and future of this technology is unlimited.
3. Компьютер доторх хамгийн жижиг хэсэг болох биттэй харьцуулахад байт нь 8 битийн 1 утга болон тоог илэрхийлж чадах хэсэг юм.
I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Describe a family event you are looking forward to.
3.What was your greatest failure?  What did you learn from it?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 4.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Table 10
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. The general term "peripheral devices" is used to refer to the input unit, the output unit and the auxiliary storage devices that are outside the processor and exchange data with the main storage unit.
2. Another advantage is the ability to send voice and data over the cellular phone network.
3. Нэг бит нь өгөгдлийн 0 ба 1 гэсэн зөвхөн хоёр утгыг үзүүлдэг бол харин 2 бит нь 4 өөр утгыг төлөөлж чадна.
I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. Do you like to get clothes as gifts from friends or family? Why/Why not?
3. Why have you applied for this job?
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 5.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Graph 10
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. For a computer to do processing it is first necessary to input into the memory the programs which are contents of a task or processing procedures.
2. For that reason, an external clock signal that indicates the processor operation timing is now set in the DRAM
3. Хоёртын систем нь мэдээллийг 0 болон 1-ийн хослолын утгаар илэрхийлдэг ч бид ихэвчлэн аравтын системийг ашигладаг.

I. Answer the questions. /6 points/
1.Can you tell me about yourself?
2. How didyou learn to use a computer? Do you think it is important to know how to use a computer?
3.Give an example of when you've overcome a problem at work.
II. Talk what you understand from the conversation /10 points/
            Listening test 6.
III.Describe the picture /tables, graphs, pictures/ /8 points/
Picture 10
IV. Translate the sentences./6 points/
1. When the computer is turned off, the stored data is lost.
2. For a computer to do processing it is first necessary to input into the memory the programs which are contents of a task or processing procedures.
3. Компьютерийн дотоод бүтэц нь маш олон тооны электрон хэлхээнээс бүтдэг.

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